Reminder: Committee Meeting tomorrow 10/10 @ 7:30pm

BSA Troop 287 —  October 9, 2017 — Leave a comment


Just a reminder that our Troop Committee meeting is tomorrow evening, Tuesday 10/10 starting around 7:30pm. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend. Some of the business that we will be discussing is filling Committee positions and other volunteer positions. I’m asking that anyone who may be interested please come to the meeting tomorrow. Please!

Some positions that I am hoping to fill are the following….

  1. Someone to take responsibility for the Scout closet and keep track of inventory of t-shirts, neckerchiefs, binders etc. This is something that can be done about once a month.
  2. Someone to take over the responsibility of ordering t-shirts, sweatshirts, and getting neckerchiefs made when we need them. This is something that needs to be done maybe once or twice a year.
  3. Someone to coordinate game nights. The Scouts have decide on activities and the dates are on the calendar so this would entail picking an activity and then making arrangements or reservations and passing that info along to the Scoutmaster.
  4. Court of Honor Lead – this is a 4x/year responsibility. Feb (Chili cookout), May (BBQ), Aug (ice cream social) & Nov (Thanksgiving dinner). This job would include making sure we have enough paper goods, cups, utensils, drink mix, etc; also arriving early to set up (around 5:30pm) for COH, and help Scoutmaster with Signup Genius for salads, sides, desserts,

Thank you for considering this positions! See you all Tuesday!


Committee Chairperson

BSA Troop 287


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