Summer Camp Parent Night and Saturday Plan

BSA Troop 287 —  June 22, 2018 — Leave a comment

Parents, if you visit tonight, you will have to park in the main parking lot and walk up to the camp. This will be the same procedure for pick up on Saturday morning.

On Saturday, we plan to clear our camp at 7:00 and check out at 7:20am. We will have breakfast at that same time as well. If you are able to drive scouts back, please arrive at Camp A at 7:00. We should be back at the church to download the trailer around 9:15-9:30. Should be done unloading the equipment by 10:00, ready for transport home for showers with lots of soap and scrubbing with lots of bristles or at least a power wash in the front yard. Hope this finds you well. 

Dan McGuire

Also, please remember to email or text Sean Warner if you are able to transport scouts back in the morning. I’m tracking we will need 14-15 seatbelts for scouts as a few of them will go home with their parents tonight.




BSA Troop 287


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