This week’s meeting: Committee meeting, Boards and Conferences!

Ray Petree —  August 16, 2021 — Leave a comment


This week is kind of an extra (5th meeting) in the month, since we pushed our MB night to the end of the month. Anyway, this week holds the Committee Meeting, which I will be in attendance beginning at 7:15 or so; hopefully, you Scouts will be able to work on what is listed below.

I know we have a couple of Boards of Review, which will likely take place at the end of the Committee Meeting tomorrow night, so if you need one, please stick around for that. I think AP and JH need one, not sure about others, since my memory is shot and I can’t recall. Anyway, if you need one, let me know as soon as you arrive and I can let Mrs. Durrenberger know (she is the one who sets them up).

If you need a SM conference (AP) I will be available at the church early (like 6:30 or so). MK, if you documented your fitness stuff, I think you will be ready for an SMC, then a BOR.

For the meeting itself, Scout skills. Yup, I would like to focus on First Aid skills (especially for the lower ranking Scouts) and then pioneering (knots and lashings). No need to construct a shelter, lets look at something first aid related: stretchers, seats, etc. Any Scout who is skilled in these requirements (Star and Life) can sign off in the individual Scout books as the FIRST Scout initials. I would like the SPL or ASPL to do the final sign off prior to adult leader signing (ANY ASM can sign off guys, not just me!!).

Anyway, if you have any pics for the COH next week, get them to Mr. Holpuch, or drop them in the folder (Dropbox) listed below. I think it will work. If not, email/text them to Mr. Holpuch.

See you tomorrow night!


Ray Petree


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