Ray Petree —  October 4, 2022 — Leave a comment


Next year will be upon us before you know it. Last month we did our annual planning meeting and collected your requests and ideas for next year.

The Knot Patrol met and below is the plan for next year. All of this has been posted on the troop calendar for your future reference.

January 21st – Monarch Ski Day
February 24th-26th – Snowshoe Campout
March 17th-19th – Mountain Biking Campout
April 14th-16th – Penetinte Canyon FAMILY CAMPOUT
May 19th-21st – Wheeler Geographical Area
June 9th-11th – Lone Eagle Peak
June 13th-25th – Northern Tier (Tentative)
July 9th-15th Summer Camp
August 18th-20th Collegiate Peaks (14er/Base Camp)
September 15th-17th Shavano / Tabeguache (14er/Base Camp)
October 13th-15th Great Sand Dunes FAMILY CAMPOUT
November 4th-5th 7 Bridges
December 8th-9th Lockin

Look forward to all the great adventures.

Mr. Petree

Ray Petree


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