
This week we will be doing trooping planning, which will include everyone. After that, you can work on rank advancement or do something productive.

P.S.: If you are in the PLC, Mr. Petree emailed you the link for the online PLC meeting on Wednesday (9/4).


9/3: Yearly Troop Planning

9/4: PLC Meeting (7:30 to 8:30 MST, Online).

9/7-9/8: Austin’s Eagle Project (Rescheduled)

9/8: John Reiser’s Eagle Project

9/14: Noah Hatch’s Eagle Project

9/28,9/29,10/5,10/6: Jefferson’s Eagle Project

Labor Day Flags

Maureen Reiser —  September 1, 2024 — Leave a comment

We are still in need of one driver and two Scouts for tomorrows flag day. If you are a Scout that needs a ride we can make arrangements. Please sign up below if you can help out your troop.

Thank you,
Maureen Reiser

Hi Troop! 

I am doing my Eagle Scout project which is building community garden beds at Woodmen Roberts Elementary School. We will be dismantling the old beds that are falling apart and building new beds for all the families who use the community garden. Please volunteer to help during one of my four build days- 9/28,9/29,10/5 or 10/6 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. each day.

Thank you! 



This week, we will be going to Wilson Ranch Park for game night. Mr. Petree will be providing the cabbages for ULTIMATE CABBAGE. Please bring any balls, frisbees, or other park games.

Hope to see you there!

P.S.: If you are in the PLC, please let Madden know the times you are available for the next PLC meeting before the next meeting or during the game night.


8/27: Game Night

8/31 Miles Eagle Project

9/7-9/8: Austin’s Eagle Project (Rescheduled)

9/8: John Reiser’s Eagle Project

9/14: Noah Hatch’s Eagle Project

Labor Day Flags!

Maureen Reiser —  August 26, 2024 — Leave a comment
We are one week away from Labor Day. We are still in need of 2 drivers and 3 Scouts. If you are in town, come help out! Sign up below.
Any questions, just call.

Maureen Reiser

Hey, it’s Austin.

My project will be a water conservation/forest fire mitigation/habitat restoration effort. This will include ladder fuel clearing in almost 80 acres of forested land, and selective tree removal to restore vital beaver habitat along the tributaries to the North Catamount Reservoir. Both of these will help to protect the drinking water of over 100,000 people in Colorado Springs.

 I need volunteers over the course of two days, September 7th and 8th from 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided and refreshments will be available.

Please sign up below.

9/7-9/8: Austin’s Eagle Project (Rescheduled)  

Music Pass Campout is Cancelled this Weekend.


This week, we will have our Court of Honor followed with our annual ice cream social!! If you signed up to bring something, please bring it. Make sure to wear full Class A uniform

Set-up will be at 6:30 if you can make it. Court of Honor will start around 7:00pm


8/20: ICE CREAM Court of Honor: 

8/23 – 8/25: Backpacking at Music Pass (South of Westcliffe, CO)

8/31 Miles Eagle Project 

9/7-9/8: Austin’s Eagle Project (Rescheduled)  

9/8: John Reiser’s Eagle Project

9/14: Noah Hatch’s Eagle Project

Hey guys it’s Noah!

I have my eagle project coming up soon it will be on the 14th of September from 8-3 at the scout huts on the Air Force Base lunch will be provided by Chickfila please bring clothes you are ready to work in and I hope to see you there!

Thank you for helping out
-Noah Hatch

Just a reminder, Court of Honor is this week! 8/20 7:00 (set up at 6:30 for anyone that can). It will be an ice cream social. If you haven’t rsvp’d yet, please do.

Our next trip is a backpacking campout in Music Pass just south of Westcliffe, CO and the Crestone Mountains. We will meet at the barn Friday at 5pm and drive to Music Pass. We need 4×4 vehicles to access the parking lot so we will probably need to carpool. We will plan to car camp at the parking lot which is really pretty and has plenty of nice camping options for Friday night. On Saturday, we can pack up and hike up and over Music Pass into the valley. The hike is about 2.2 miles depending on where we decide to camp. There are short day hike options to lakes or shorter peaks in the area.

We plan to return to the barn by noon on Sunday. We’re also looking for more adult supervision.

Sign up if you are planning to attend.


Labor Day Flags

Maureen Reiser —  August 14, 2024 — Leave a comment
Hello Troop,
Labor Day is coming up and we still need some more Scouts and Parents to make this another successful holiday! Please sign up below if you can help out.

Maureen Reiser

Troop Elections 8/13/24

Ray Petree —  August 12, 2024 — Leave a comment


This week we will be having our Troop Elections. Make sure you prepare a 1-2 minute speech for the role you are running for and wear your uniform.

We will also be doing trip prep and meal planning for the Music Pass campout.

Nathan Turner will be giving a lesson to the Troop.

We need to make sure we have all the Merit Badges you have completed documented for the next COH. Please confirm with Mr. Petree so we can get any missing signatures figured out and pick up the correct patches from the scout shop.


8/17: Mark Pharris’ Eagle Court of Honor 

8/20: ICE CREAM Court of Honor: 

8/23 – 8/25: Backpacking at Music Pass (South of Westcliffe, CO)

8/31 Miles Eagle Project 

9/7-9/8: Austin’s Eagle Project (Rescheduled)  

9/8: John Reiser’s Eagle Project

-Axel & Rudra

Hi, this is John.  I am building 3 information kiosk for 3 lakes on USAFA and working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The kiosk will be assembled before and transported to Ice Lake on USAFA the morning of September 8th. We will meet at Ice Lake at 9am for a safety briefing and install the first kiosk.  Your driver only needs a drivers license to get on base. The second will be at Deadman’s Lake and the third at Kettle Lake #1. We should be done by 1pm. We can help with transportation if needed. Please bring gloves. Safety glasses will be provided. Lunch, drinks and snacks will also be provided. If you have any more questions please call me at 719-757-8251. Thank you for signing up to help me with my Eagle Project.


John Reiser

Troop Meeting 8/6/24

Ray Petree —  August 5, 2024 — Leave a comment


We plan to meet in the church at the beginning of the meeting for fellowship and a slide show about Music Pass. Afterward, we can head outside to the barn and Jefferson will lead the troop in a lesson and game for his Communications Merit Badge.

Please return any borrowed items from the Wyoming trip. Things like harnesses, ice axes, helmets, belay devices, binoculars, poles, crampons, trax, or anything else.

Don’t forget to prepare for Troop Elections at our meeting on 8/13. Come prepared wearing your uniform and have a speech ready to go. Please let Mr. Petree know what position you are running for at this week’s meeting.

Finally, we have a lot of Scouts working on their Eagle Projects. Please be sure to sign up and support your fellow scouts.


8/6: Axel’s Eagle Project (Morning 8-12)

8/10 – 8/11: Austin’s Eagle Project

8/13: Meerting & Troop Elections

8/17: Mark Pharris’ Eagle Court of Honor 

8/20: ICE CREAM Court of Honor: 

8/23 – 8/25: Backpacking at Music Pass (South of West Cliffe, CO)

8/31 Miles Eagle Project

-Axel & Rudra

Please sign up to attend. We are also looking for 4-6 scouts to participate in the Color Guard for this event. If you would like to help out with that please indicate that at on the sign up.

The upcoming Court of Honor will be on August 20th at 7:00 (set up at 6:30 for anyone that can). It will be an ice cream social. Below is a sign up to bring toppings. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Game Night 7/30/24

Ray Petree —  July 30, 2024 — Leave a comment


We will be going to Air City 360 Adventure Park this week for game night!

Keep in mind that the meeting will start 1 hour early at 6:00, so we can have more time to play.

Make sure you bring $ for the tickets (2-hour session) or you can pay online. There is a $20 special for 2 hours and $20 of arcade which might only be an online promotion. 

Here is the address:
225 Spectrum Loop, Colorado Springs, CO 80921

Here is the link to the site:

If you went to Wyoming and borrowed any gear please return it. Mrs. Anderson will be at Air City and can collect it from you.  Thank you. 


8/6: Axel’s Eagle Project (Morning 8-12)
8/6: Meeting
8/10 – 8/11: Austin’s Eagle Project
8/13: Troop Elections
8/20: Court of Honor

-Axel and Rudra

Good afternoon scouts,

As you may know, I am working on my Eagle Project, which requires volunteers. My project will be at Westside Cares in Old Colorado City, which recently had a water leak in the basement, so some drywall under the stairs was damaged. We will cut out the damaged drywall, install new drywall there and on an additional wall, and build shelves where there were none before.

I need four scout volunteers to help me out. It will be great community service hours, which you will need for ranking up, and it will be a great experience to see what an Eagle Project looks like in action. If you are going, please bring work gloves, close-toed shoes, a water bottle, and safety glasses. I will provide masks, pizza for lunch, snacks, and some Gatorade. We will be starting a debrief at 8 am at Westside Cares, and finishing around 4 pm. If you can only show up for a half day, that is fine, just let me know at

If you have any questions, just email me or ask at a meeting.

Thank you,
Miles Kunkle

Hi Troop 287,

This is Axel and I’m still in Wyoming but I wanted to invite you to help me with my Eagle Project. I’m planning to build 4 benches, 3 picnic tables and 2 planters for my high school during a school service day the first week of school. I need to have everything ready to go for the build day so I need help cutting and staining all the wood. There is A LOT OF WOOD!

Please join us on Tuesday, August 6 from 8:00am to 12:00pm , at my house: 

1175 Crown Haven Cir

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

– You do NOT need to stay the entire time, just come when you can and leave when you need to.

– We will have FOOD for breakfast, snacks, and lunch.

– Please sign up to RSVP by Sunday night August 4 so I can buy food.

– If you need help with a ride, please let me know and my mom can help.  

– I will send a reminder next week.

Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks for your help.

