26 May Tuesday Meeting – Fitness night

BSA Troop 287 —  May 25, 2015 — Leave a comment

For Tuesdays Scout meeting please meet at WUMC at the normal time (7 pm).  We will be completing Tenderfoot fitness requirements for new scouts, to include a 1/4 mile run, pushups, situps, pullups, and standing long jump.  New scouts should wear shorts, running shoes, and class B T-shirts to complete requirements.  Please wear your Class A shirt over your Class B T-shirt for the formal parts of the meeting.  Senior scouts will be conducting and monitoring the fitness tests.

I’m also planning a 5 mile hike Friday morning (29 May) on the Santa Fe trail.  We will meet at the Woodmen and I-25 park and ride lot at 8 am and finish at the same location at around 10 am.  This will complete a Second Class rank requirement.  I will provide more information at Tuesdays meeting so be ready to sign up if you’re interested!  I will also need one more adult for the hike on Friday, so if you’d like to come along let me know.

If you have questions please e-mail me at jonu_1999@yahoo.com

Mr. Ullmannindex

BSA Troop 287


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