Backpack Order

BSA Troop 287 —  December 5, 2016 — Leave a comment


I’ve found a deal for a very nice Alps Mountaineering Red Tail 3900 cubic inch backpack.  The cost is $65 plus tax.  This is a very nice quality, larger backpack that would be suitable for Scoutmasters, larger kids (age 14+), or provide a backpack for younger Scouts to grow into.  You can check out the specs and ratings at the following links.

I can’t guarantee the color, but it should be green or red/orange.

If you’re interested let me know by Wednesday evening (e-mail  Quantities are limited so I’ll prioritize by time your order/e-mail is received.  This would make a nice Christmas gift and it should get here by the big day, but I can’t guarantee it.


BSA Troop 287


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