Swim test this Friday!

jeninewinslow —  June 12, 2024 — Leave a comment

Scouts & Parents,

We have an opportunity this Friday to get your annual swim test taken care of. The test will be needed for both scout camp and the Wyoming High Adventure trip. If you are available to join us this Friday please RSVP by sending a text to Janelle Anderson at (801) 518-9659. She can also help with transportation if you need a ride. 

Date: Friday, June 14

Time: 1-2pm

Where: Downtown YMCA located at 207 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Parking: Please use the parking garage next door (just East of the entrance to the YMCA)

Cost: $3.50 for non-members

Bring: Come dressed in your swim gear with a change of clothes, water bottle, goggles and towel.

BSA Swim Test Requirements:

  • Jump feet first into water over the head in depth, level off, and begin swimming.
  • Swim 75 yards (3 lengths of the pool) in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl (no dog-paddle).
  • Swim 25 yards (1 length of the pool) using an easy, resting backstroke.
  • The 100 yards must be completed without stops and must include at least one sharp turn.
  • After completing the swim, rest by floating (Typically, for up to one minute).

Please contact me with your RSVP and any questions or concerns you might have.





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