Important Mini-COH, Thursday, 19 Nov, 7 pm!

BSA Troop 287 —  November 18, 2015 — Leave a comment


On Thursday, 19 Nov, 7 pm (tomorrow), we will have the first ever Troop 287 mini-Court of Honor at WUMC!  We have some important merit badges to award and Troop business to complete so we’d like to get as many families as possible to the meeting.  We will begin at 7 pm, and the formal meeting will be complete by 7:20, with planning  and business activities afterwards to accomplish the following:

-We’ll plan the campout on 20-22 Nov (Glen Aspen, near Woodland Park).  Cost will be $15.  Scouts need to come to the mini-COH to signup and plan.  Please make alternate arrangements with me prior to the mini-COH if you’d like to go on the campout but can’t make the meeting tomorrow.

-All popcorn money is due at the mini-COH!  We need to reconcile our popcorn account with the council this week.

-We will be collecting recharter fees, Troop Dues, and Summer Camp payments at the COH, so please bring your checkbook.  Mrs. Warner will have updates on Scout account funds for those wishing to use those funds for recharter/dues/summer camp.

-We will briefly discuss the upcoming events that were planned at the annual planning conference.  Come see the great stuff happening in the coming year!

Please e-mail me at if you have any questions.



BSA Troop 287


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